A friendly club located in Lancashire in the Northwest of England


L&CPU Individual Competition 2023

Annual Individual Print & Projected Image Competition

Annual Individual Print & Projected Image Competition 13th & 14th May 2023

Elm Bank Conference Centre

46 Half Edge Lane

Eccles M30 9BA

This is the L&CPU Annual event, where all club members are invited to choose and enter their images, in the following sections:


There are two categories in this section

  1. Open (which includes colour & monochrome)
  2. and Nature.


There are three categories in this section

  1. Open Monochrome
  2. Open Colour
  3. and Nature

Online entry for all sections:

Opens Saturday 18 March 2023
Closes Saturday 22 April 2023

Prints: Drop-off point information will be sent to your Club Competition Secretaries