A friendly club located in Lancashire in the Northwest of England

About Us

Who we are

We are a small group of like minded individuals who all share a common interest in photography

We welcome photographers of all ages and all levels of experience.

If you've Taken photos for a while

As a more experience photographer you will be able to share your work, get ideas and see how other people have approached the same subjects.


We meet most weeks except in the height of the summer holiday season and so have lots of meeting time to a hold a variety of different events. Like all camera clubs some of our meetings involve friendly competition either between ourselves, against other clubs or indeed in national and international competitions. Our club competitions are free to enter and are a simple way for you get constructive criticism from an experienced judge.

The Canberra Club

We are fortunate to meet at the Canberra club at British Aerospace and so have are very comfortable meeting room with a licenced bar as well as tea and coffee available. There is also ample parking

New to Photography

We are not an evening class and do not offer structured tuition but between us we have interests and expertise in many different fields and all of us are approachable and ready to help you if you are a beginner.


We do not offer formal tuition but do hold practical sessions and outings were we can swap ideas and help each other.

Every Thursday we hold Zoom sessions were you can ask questions and get practical help with all aspects of photography

We look forward to meeting you very soon.

We are sure you will find us friendly and approachable but the only way to prove that is for you to come along to a meeting. New members are always welcome and we don’t ask you to pay a subscription until you’ve come along a few times and are sure that you want to join

Do you find that photography can sometimes be lonely?

In that case why not join our club.

If you want to improve your photography you will do it much more quickly by meeting other photographers chatting with them and learning from them. You will meet new people and some of them may be more talented for have more experience than you and you can learn from them.

Joining a club helps You get more out of your hobby and photography is the common bond that binds us together, a relaxing recreational pursuit of that ultimate image.