A friendly club located in Lancashire in the Northwest of England


Easter Monday 10 April

Since there is no meeting this week this is a good opportunity to tell you about a few things coming up.

This Month
Next week we have the Judging of club competition 2, If you have entered prints remember to bring them along.

The following week is our 2nd practical session of the season when we will be joined by members of the Amateur Dramatics Group for a portrait session. The Am Dram group have been before so you know it will be a good evening.

Next Month
May is unusual this year because there are several Bank Holidays and there will not be meetings at the Canberra Club on those Bank Holidays.

However we will be holding some events for members not otherwise engaged in the festivities.

Wednesday 3 May
We will announce the location and time nearer the event but weather and flowers permitting we propose to visit a bluebell wood to photograph the flowers

Monday 8 May
King Charles will be crowned on Saturday so by Monday members might be free for an event. We will therefore hold a Zoom Meeting that evening.

The idea is to focus on photographs that members would like to enter for competitions.

Members are invited to submit up to 4 images to the May 8 “Competition” on PhotoEntry. These will be shown and comments and advice given.

A selection will be compared with images of a similar style or genre that have scored well in or won PAGB events. We hope to learn what the differences are and what steps members need to consider to make images which get the extra point or 2 in such inter club events.

The MAY 8 section is now live on PhotoEntry